PLAYLIST 25/05/07

Publié le par bobby






1-Big Joe DUSKIN :Cow cow boogie               





2-GRADY: Woman got my devil                       




3-Rusty YORK: Sugaree                                       

 Rusty Rocks


4-WENTUS Bluesband:My kind of people      


Le maitre & l'élève pour le titre:

                   Stones in my passway




5-Robert JOHNSON:                                                 

             Robert Johnson                    





6-John MELLECAMP:                                             


   Trouble No More



7-Candye KANE: When I put the blues on you  

 candye kane





8-Koko TAYLOR: Don't go no further                   















9-On The LEVEL: Baby gone left me                   


10-Candye KANE: Crazy little thing

Candye and the crowd at muddy's club  

Publié dans crossroads

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